PFLAG Triangle
Parents, Families, Friends and Allies United with LGBTQ People to Move Equality Forward
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PFLAG IndyWeek Ad 2018

Faith Communities, Organizations, and Businesses supporting PFLAG Triangle’s IndyAd Campaign in recent years....

Beth El Synagogue
Calvary United Methodist Church
Church of Reconciliation (PCUSA)
Church of The Holy Family, Chapel Hill
Community United Church of Christ
Durham Friends Meeting
Greenwood Forest Baptist Church
Hillsborough United Church of Christ
Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Imani MCC of Durham
Jewish Federation of Durham
Judea Reform Congregation
Kehillah Synagogue, Chapel Hill
Kol Haskalah, a Humanistic Jewish Congregation
Levin Jewish Community Center
Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
Rainbow Community Cares
Raleigh Friends Meeting
LGBT Ministry of St. Francis of Assisi
St. John’s MCC
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
St. Titus’ Episcopal Church
Temple Beth Or - Raleigh
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
Unitarian Universalist Peace Fellowship
United Church of Chapel Hill
Watts Street Baptist Church

LGBT Center of Raleigh
LGBTQ Center of Durham
Durham Gender Alliance
Equality NC Foundation
RBPN - Raleigh’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Triangle Soccer Fanatics
UNC-Chapel Hill LGBTQ Center

24/8 Creative Media Group
The Androgyny Center
Cameron Financial
Change for Living Counseling PLLC
Classical Carpentry
Grub and Nosh Restaurants
Jamie Jennings Design
LGBTQ Concierge
Main Street Clinical Associates
Morwick Creative
Psychotherapy for Trauma and Addictions
ReachOUT / Gay For Good
Sycamore Financial Planning, LLC
Village Hearth Cohousing, LLC